ReKnew Writing Workshop 2020
September 12, 2020
Length: 3 Hour Workshop
When: September 12, 2020, 10:00am Central Time
Where: Online via Zoom
Cost: Whatever you want to pay!
LIVE (recording available for registered students)

A Workshop in two parts:
You want to write a book? Now what?
With Dan Kent
Join Dan Kent as he guides you from idea to finished draft.
Anyone with an idea can write a book. Heck, even if you don’t have an idea, you can still write a book! This section of the webinar focuses on creating a book that people like to read, and doing it soon! Dan will share the best writing secrets & tactics he has accumulated over the past 30 years of writing.
Topics include
- VOLUME (the power of output)
- Creating flow
- Voice Lessons (style)
- 3 elements of good writing
- Make your writing slap (subjects & verbs)
- Yawn-Proof your writing (transform evil verbs)
- And much more!
You wrote a book. Now what?
With H. R. Hutzel
Join indie author H. R. Hutzel as she guides you from finished manuscript to published book.
The gatekeepers of traditional publishing are no longer an excuse to prevent you from impacting the world with your words. In this section of the webinar you'll not only learn the practical and necessary steps of self-publishing in today's world, you'll learn the equally important mindset you need as a Christ-follower on the journey of independently publishing your book.
Here's what you'll learn:
- Which tools you need to self-publish your book and get people to read it
- The different types of editors and which ones your book needs
- Your most important marketing tool
- Promotions you should invest in and the ones you can skip
- Recommended resources to set you above the crowd
- The mindset you need to succeed
- And much more!
About Dan Kent

Dan wrote Confident Humility: Becoming Your Full Self Without Becoming Full of Yourself and the series The Training of KX12. Dan preaches as Teaching Pastor at Woodland Hills Church in Maplewood Minnesota. He also hosts and produces ReKnew’s Podcast Greg Boyd: Apologies & Explanations. You can follow him on Facebook and Twitter.
About H. R. Hutzel

H. R. Hutzel never aspired to be a writer or dreamed of writing a book. But that all changed when she prayed a very dangerous prayer--she told God she would do anything. Now she's a bestselling author and speaker who helps readers and audiences experience the biblical story in surprising, inspiring, and challenging ways. Heather lives in Cincinnati with her husband and their beloved golden retrievers. When she's not writing, you'll find her digging in the garden or hanging out in the hammock with a good book.