Dan's Past Sermons

Dan is an on-staff pastor at Woodland Hills Church in St Paul, MN. Check out some of his past sermons here:

Salvation Belongs to Our God

In this sermon, Dan Kent helps us understand the meaning of the proclamation “salvation belongs to our God.” While we might assume salvation is about personal sin and guilt, Dan demonstrates that it is much more extensive than that. He shows us that salvation is centered around God’s work to establish the rightful King of all creation.

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Waiting with Anna

This sermon examines the story of Anna when she met the child Jesus in the temple. Dan Kent highlights how she waited for the Messiah for decades and the importance of waiting on God to act in our lives and release his gifts through us.

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Crowns not Crutches

At the start of the Book of Revelation the angel tells John: “Do not be afraid.” Then the angel proceeds to affront John with a terrifying series of visions. How could John NOT be afraid? What’s going on here? Dan talks about how having different objectives at our centers makes us more or less vulnerable to fear.

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The Joy of God’s Judgment

In Revelation 6:9-10 the martyrs call out for justice, asking how long will they have to wait for God to make things right. This speaks to our common longing for justice as we live in the space where Jesus has conquered Satan, yet we wait on justice to be fully realized. This sermon shows how we live in this space.

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Let Your Gentleness Show

Why does Paul tell us to “Let your gentleness be evident to all”? How does showing gentleness empower us, make us immune to propaganda, and give us spiritual stability? Join Dan as he engages this powerful fruit of the Spirit.

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The Heart of Worship

What if we don’t like heaven? Why does worship in heaven seem so torturous? In this sermon on Revelation chapter 4, Dan looks at the symbolism of the throne room and discusses allegiance as the heart of worship.

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The Problem with Palm Sunday

How did the crowds go from laying down Palm Branches and calling Jesus king to screaming “Crucify Him!” in just a few short days? The answer to this question, I believe, affects us all.

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Sheep Among Wolves

In this sermon Dan speculates on the “love” Jesus claimed the Ephesians had “forsaken” in Revelation 2:4. After praising their orthodoxy, Jesus criticizes their lack of love. Dan argues that, perhaps, they defended orthodoxy at the cost of love. That is, they loved ideology over people.

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The Gift of God’s Grace

In this sermon Dan show how God’s DELIGHT in us grounds God’s grace for us. Not only that, DELIGHT grounds agape love. God invites us to live into his delight for us, and to then learn to show delight in God, ourselves, and each other.

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Rolling Stones

If you are a follower of Jesus, God considers you a priest. Did you know that? If not, consider this your ordination and your orientation into the most meaningful vocation possible.

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A Living Faith

Many read Revelation as a predictor of the future. This turns God into a fixed, wooden object who does not actually relate to a living creation. But this book was never meant to be read this way. Instead, it points to a LIVING GOD who reigns over a LIVING CREATION and calls us into a LIVING FAITH. God invites us to participate in the fulfillment of his will even-and-especially-when the world looks ungodly, and love looks defeated.

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Antifragile Faith

Many people orient their lives around the pursuit of happiness. But this inevitably leads to a fragile faith. But when we put the pursuit of Christlikeness at the center of what we want out of life, we increasingly develop an antifragile faith.

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