Surprising God Podcast

Deep Questions with Joshua L Rasmussen

October 28, 2023

The Surprising God Think Tank welcomes Joshua L. Rasmussen in where we talk about everything from God’s being, human consciousness, divine revelation, sin, and SO MUCH MORE! You can learn…

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The Direction of Piety

September 8, 2023

In this episode Dan considers the implications of our view of God on piety. We’re just getting started. I hope you join in for the ride. YOU can join at!…

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A Response to John Piper’s Irresistible Grace Thought Experiment

July 8, 2023

John Piper hits us with a compelling thought experiment that seems to show the necessity of irresistible grace. Dan finds what’s missing while buying walnuts at the Farm Store. We’re…

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What did C.S. Lewis Think About Open Theism?

June 23, 2023

C.S. Lewis on God, time, and how God knows. We’re just getting started. I hope you join in for the ride. YOU can join at! Episode 12 __ __ __…

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On Open Theism and Experiencing God, with Jesse Birkey

June 17, 2023

Wow, what a great chat we had with Jesse Birkey! Small group, but great convo about open theism and experiencing God! Jesse’s Bio: Jesse Birkey lives with his wife and…

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Is Evil and Suffering Inherently Pointless for Open Theists? (podcast)

June 9, 2023

Dan Kent reflects on a provocative accusation by Paul Kjoss Helseth where Helseth claims that open theism leaves us with a God who engages creation arbitrarily, and fails to help…

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Providence in a Pagan Milieu

May 29, 2023

Dan Kent reflects on a provocative paragraph by Paul Kjoss Helseth where Helseth claims anyone who disagrees with his perspective does so mostly because they have accommodated modern culture. Dan…

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Curtis Holtzen on God’s Trust of Humanity

February 1, 2023

The Surprising God team chats with Curtis Holtzen about the foundational idea that God trusts humanity. Listen as we discuss God’s love and the implications of that love on how…

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Paul Anleitner on Leaving Open Theism and His New Book: Dis-Ordered

January 11, 2023

The Surprising God team chats with Paul Anleitner about Classic Theism, the Word-Faith Movement, and his concerns about God’s competency—plus a WHOLE LOT MORE! We’re just getting started. I hope…

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Thomas Oord on the Uncontrolling Love of God

October 8, 2022

The Surprising God team chats with Thomas J. Oord about God’s uncontrolling love, kenosis, and process theism (and SO much more!). We’re just getting started. I hope you join in…

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